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Do you want to know how the world works? Pretty bold statement. Am I about to get philosophical on you? Not exactly but I do believe this axiom to be a universal truth. Let me know if you do. My point is that often the same idea will be thrust in your face through a number of different ways. This could be about sharing, being more sympathetic, being more patient, etc. In this case, I kept seeing pictures of people having made Buffalo Cauliflower. It is not something I feel I had seen before. I know it is out there but it was not in my field of vision until now.

Buffalo Cauliflower
My wife and I were developing a not so good habit of having a glass of wine and a not so healthy snack after dinner while watching TV. Not a big deal if you are my wife and swim as much as she does and look as good as she does. Not such a good idea if you are me and want to maintain your weight. As we age, it is hard enough as our metabolism slows down. I was looking for a snack that I could enjoy that would be low cal. Circling back to the above idea with the universe, I got my answer – Buffalo Cauliflower.
This dish is quick and easy to prepare. They are a number of ways to cook the cauliflower such as steaming, baking and broiling. I wanted to get a nice char on the outside so there would be a good crunch but I still wanted the cauliflower to be tender. I chose to steam the cauliflower about two-thirds of the way through. Then, I finished the cauliflower by baking and then broiling. Once cooked, the sauce is applied and the cauliflower is broiled one more time to get the sauce to adhere.

- 1 head cauliflower; chopped into bite size piece
- Pinch of kosher salt
- 1/2 cup fat-free yogurt
- 1/4 cup Frank’s Red Hot sauce
- Steam the cauliflower pieces in a double boiler. Cook for 5 - 6 minutes. The cauliflower will not be done yet. Drain and set aside.
- In a small bowl, combine the hot sauce and yogurt and mix thoroughly.
- Preheat oven to 450F.
- Place the drained cauliflower on a baking tray.
- Bake for 5 - 6 minutes.
- Turn the oven on to low broil and and broil the cauliflower until it begins to char.
- Remove from the oven and dip the cauliflower pieces in the sauce until coated evenly.
- Place back on the baking sheet and broil for 2 - 3 more minutes.
- Enjoy!

Cauliflower in Steamer
The cast of characters for the sauce.

The sauce before mixing and being mixed into the cauliflower.

Sauce in Bowl

Sauce Added to Cauliflower

Sauce Mixed on Cauliflower
The final Buffalo Cauliflower plated.

Buffalo Cauliflower Plated
Buffalo cauliflower! YUM. I can see this as an appetizer here at “Chez Chopper” very soon.
I definitely see you making this recipe. Let me know if you do.
What a fantastic idea for cauliflower, Peter! Thanks for the inspiration!!
I cannot take the credit for the idea. But it is going to be a staple.
I adore this recipePeter! Great snack!
Thx Suzy.
What a great idea! I love how this dish came about as well – I think I could maybe give up my after dinner chocolate for at least one night to try this! 🙂
Great perspective. I am going to use that too – chocolate here I come.
Great idea, love the flavors!
This is a must try recipe!!
Thx Tara.